From their website:
Once upon a time… IMAGYN
Our association was born around a small core of patients from Bordeaux, Paris and Nice, suffering from gynecological cancers, put in contact thanks to ARCAGY-GINECO (Research Association on GYnecological CAncers – Group of National Investigators for Study of Ovarian and Breast Cancers).
Each of the patients shared her story and her needs:
– Need for reliable medical information on the types of gynecological cancers and their evolution, on the types of treatments recommended and their consequences. Indeed, the rarity of certain gynecological tumours, although this rarity is not systematically synonymous with seriousness, remains a factor of concern.
– Need to quickly find out about centers and doctors specializing in these specific cancers to request a second opinion, for confirmation of diagnosis or to know the optimal course to follow in order to ensure better care: speed without haste.
– Need to share , to have other testimonies, to get out of isolation. Need to have access to “medical” listening, outside consultation, and far from the mass of unreliable information on the Internet.
In the absence, in France, of patient associations devoted to gynecological cancers (apart from breast cancer) and to meet all these needs, IMAGYN ( Initiative des M alades A tteintes de GYN ecological cancers) was created in March 2014 during the GINECO days, and officially declared in the Official Journal on May 14, 2014.
IMAGYN , the 1st association of patients with gynecological cancers and relatives in France, was born!
In January 2019, IMAGYN obtained national approval from the Ministry of Solidarity and Health. In this respect, the association becomes the major and privileged interlocutor of institutions in the field of gynecological cancers .
Our close collaboration with these Institutions has enabled, for example, the integration (and reimbursement since April 2020) of the HPV test in cervical cancer screening, and the reimbursement (effective since December 2020) of the anti-HPV vaccine. for girls AND boys…
What are IMAGYN’s objectives?
As a patient association, we are committed to…
… Raise awareness and inform the general public of the existence of gynecological cancers. We participate in the dissemination of information on gynecological cancers through creation and dissemination on any communication medium (paper, photo, video, internet).
Information is the first step in prevention!
… Support and accompany patients and their relatives and anyone concerned by all aspects of gynecological diseases (prevention, announcement, follow-up, care during and after treatment)
… Defend the rights of users of the health system
… Participate in the development of public health decisions as well as to advance clinical research from the point of view of patients.
The association also aims to support the organization and/or participation in congresses, training courses or any event related to gynecological cancers .