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Medicaid Cancer Foundation

From their website:

Our Mission

To eradicate cancer and enhance the quality of life for people living with cancer.

Our Vision

Reduce Cancer Mortality rate by increasing awareness and its preventive measures.

Our Core Values

These are Passion, Empathy, Consideration, Respect, Honesty, and Responsibility.


Medicaid Cancer Foundation (MCF) was conceived out of the need to create a much-needed support system for patients, families and caregivers dealing with cancer in Nigeria. Operations began in 2009. Over time the foundation has become a platform where the challenges affecting cancer patients in Nigeria is tackled with collective and sustained efforts. We work on cancer’s full continuum – from diagnosis, to the myriad questions and answers associated with treatment and care, through the journey to full survivorship, to managing the life- changing experience for the patients, families and caregivers.
Between 2015 and 2018 our cancer awareness and screening program has reached 500,000 individuals and carried out 4,366 free diagnostic screenings (974 mammograms). In the past 2 years, 126 women and men have accessed free cancer treatment through our support.

  info@medicaidcancerfoundation.org   234 708 874 4634

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