From their website:
The SIO is a non-profit association created in 1984 with the aim of promoting oncology nursing care. Currently, the SIO aims in particular to optimize the quality of nursing care in the various fields of oncology (hematology, radiotherapy, screening, oncopediatrics, oncogeriatrics, palliative care, etc.).
Our missions:
- Bring together nurses who, in intra-hospital (oncology, general, day hospital, radiotherapy, etc.) and extra-hospital (nursing and care homes, home, training institutes, etc.) departments work with cancer patients.
- Promote and participate in various cancer prevention and screening campaigns.
- Represent by its legal status, the group of oncology nurses in various fields of activity, training, research and partnership.
- Promote scientific, ethical, deontological, political and economic questioning of nurses concerning their practice of care and their skills.
- Deepen understanding of psychological and social support for patients, relatives and caregivers
- Arouse curiosity and professional interest in research, participate in it and promote nursing practice based on evidence (Evidence-Based Practice).
- Guide the ongoing training of everyone by facilitating access to sources of information (conferences, websites, recommendations, validated tools, etc.).
- Promote disciplinary (oncology care coordinator -CSO-, medical clinical research coordinator -CRCM-,…) and interdisciplinary collaboration.
- Transmit to its members the most up-to-date scientific, ethical and human knowledge in the field of oncology (discussion forum, etc.)
- Promote and develop exchanges and collaboration strategies with care and training establishments in general and/or specialized oncology nursing at national and international level.